Damien meets Leonardo

Imagine a meeting between Leonardo da Vinci and Damien Hirst. This could be the outcome.

Mona Lisa Turning Series

Leonardo’s Mona Lisa follows you with her eyes wherever you are in the room. Imagine her following you with her whole body while you walk by. This work, featured at the entrance area of the Florence Biennale 2019 was awarded with the “Menzione Speciale del Presidente LORENZO IL MAGNIFICO” at the Biennale .

Angel of Commerce

This work has been exhibited at the Venice Biennale 2019 and was subject to intense discussions regarding the commercialisation of art.

Friendly Wall

I see this installation which has been shown at the Biennale 2019 in Venice, Palazzo Mora, as a reaction to building unfriendly walls against refugees in a world which I would prefer to see as “One World”. I attach a series of pictures which show how to build a friendly wall as an answer to …